
Archive for October 8th, 2009

Friday Fill-In

Friday Fill-Ins #145

1. Sweet dreams are what I always hope for.  Because when I have nightmares, they are always seriously fucked up.

2. Double the chocolate, especially for me.

3. Silliness at work is what keeps me sane.

4. I can’t wait to watch scary movies, drink beer, and hand out candy with my hubby this Halloween.

5. Outstanding or not I try to pay my bills on time every month.  Most of the time, I succeed.

6. A sunny porch, roving, and my spinning wheel is what I want right now!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to spinning and knitting, tomorrow my plans include work and Sunday, I want to stay home and spin, but alas – I have to go to work!

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